Estimating non-functionals: we need your help Estimating non-functional requirements has been an issue for decades. We have tried the 14 GSCs to correct the functional size for non-functional complications, but that did not work. We have tried COCOMO-like approaches, which…
Read MoreHet begroten van non-functionals: Hulp gevraagd
Het begroten van non-functionals: Hulp gevraagd Het begroten van non-functional requirements is al tientallen jaren een hot issue. We hebben de 14 systeemkenmerken geprobeerd die de functionele omvang corrigeren voor niet-functionele invloeden, maar dat werkte niet. We hebben COCOMO-gebaseerde aanpakken…
Read MoreSignificant discounts on ISBSG corporate subscriptions
Nesma offers significant discounts on ISBSG corporate subscriptions! Nesma encourages organizations that are serious about improving their decision-making capabilities based on data to become ISBSG corporate subscriber. This subscription gives you the most value possible and helps you leverage the…
Read MoreAutumn conference in retrospect
On Thursday November 9, the annual Nesma Autumn Conference took place at the Soester Duinen, in Soest (NL). The theme of the conference was “Metrics in contracts, how to avoid horror stories”. About 60 visitors attended the conference. Remarkable was…
Read MoreTerugblik najaarsconferentie
Op donderdag 9 november vond in de Soester Duinen in Soest de jaarlijkse najaarsconferentie van de Nesma plaats, met als thema “Metrics in contracts, how to avoid horror stories”. De conferentie werd bezocht door ongeveer 60 mensen. Opvallend dit jaar…
Read MoreISBSG workshop Beijing 2017
Feedback report to the Nesma community As you all know, Nesma considers the availability of historical data of software projects and maintenance of an utmost importance for the industry. Nesma is therefore a proud member of the International Software Benchmarking…
Read MoreNesma 2020: new organization, new plans
Nesma has decided to adopt Agility and to work in shorter cycles. The advantage is that members that don’t want to commit to a workgroup for many years can support one or more iterations. Joining a working group for a…
Read MoresCEBoK: a step further
06-09 June was the ICEAA Conference in Portland. During the conference the first 7 (draft) modules of the Software Cost Engineering Body of Knowledge (sCEBoK) are presented. A great result for this first year and we received positive reactions from…
Read MoreOrganization of the CFPA exam has changed
Our service provider for FPA certification was CITO, this contract is stopped per 31 July because CITO aims to target on more specific customers. We have found a very good alternative; from the 1st of august the exams will be…
Read MoreNesma 2020: nieuwe structuur, nieuwe plannen
Nesma heeft besloten om Agility te omarmen en kort-cyclischer te gaan werken. Het voordeel is dat leden die niet jaren in een werkgroep willen zitten wel een bijdrage kunnen leveren en mee kunnen werken aan één of meer iteraties. Langer…
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