On Thursday November 9, the annual Nesma Autumn Conference took place at the Soester Duinen, in Soest (NL). The theme of the conference was “Metrics in contracts, how to avoid horror stories”. About 60 visitors attended the conference. Remarkable was the number of visitors from outside the Netherlands. The program included two keynote presentations and six regular presentations.
In the first keynote presentation, Alisa Westerhof and Stefan Kuiper from BIT (Bureau ICT Toetsing, an organization within the Dutch government that judges all big IT projects from the government) explained why BIT exists and how they work. Very relevant in the context of the horror stories around a number of governmental IT projects.
In the second keynote presentation, from his experiences Andre van der Wiel, director contracting at CGI, explained what is needed to reduce the uncertainty that comes with every contract.
The other presentations covered a broad spectrum of topics, such as contracting in an agile context, added value in contracting, incorporating non-functional requirements, security and privacy issues, projects with “low-code platforms”.
The slides of all presentations can be found on slideshare. Click here for links to each separate presentation.
Before the conference and during the break, the conference sponsors (Metrieken.nl, METRI, CAST Software and SIG) presented themselves to the public.
After the conference, drinks and a tasteful dinner were an excellent conclusion of a successful conference!