There is a lot of information on software metrics available on the web, but where do you find the most valuable information? To help you get started we have selected some website Nesma considers useful.
Organization | Description |
UKSMA | United Kingdom Software Metrics Association |
JFPUG | Japan Function Point Users Group |
GUFPI-ISMA | Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association |
FISMA | Finnish Software Metrics Association |
DASMA | Deutsche Anwendergruppe für Software Metrik und Aufwandschätzung |
BFPUG | Brazilian Function Point Users Group |
ASSEMI | Association pour l'étude des métriques informatiques |
AEMES | Asociación Española de Métricas del Software |
QESP | Quantitative Enterprise Software Performance |
PoSMA | Polish Software Metrics Association |
ISBSG | International Software Benchmarking Standards Group |
MAIN | Metrics Associations International Network |
COSMIC | Common Software Measurement International Consortium |
IFPUG | International Function Point Users Group |
If you a relevant suggestion to this list, leave us a message.