Register as a Nesma member and join the conversation!

When you register to the site, you can join the conversation:

  • by posting and discussing topics on the forum;
  • by reacting to our blogs;
  • by downloading our all our documents.

We even give you discount on some publications and events!

If you wish to get even more value, then become a Nesma member as well!

If you’re already a member, please login.

  • Name

  • Minimum length of 7 characters.
    The password must have a minimum strength of Weak
    Strength indicator
  • Contact Info

  • What organization do you work for.
  • The website address of your organization. Preferrably a direct link to the page that is most relevant to the Nesma audience.
  • About Yourself

  • Describe why you request an account on the Nesma website. Your description will be read by our webmasters. Only serious applications will be considered.
  • Upload The picture that is shown in connection with your posts and comments on the website. Please upload a square picture, since your picture will be compressed to a square icon for forumposts and comments.
  • Describe your experience in the field Nesma is involved in. It is forbidden to advertise in your profile description.
  • Payment through Stripe

    Yearly Nesma membership fee (€125,- ex 21% VAT / BTW)

    You will be able to complete the payment after you have confirmed your e-mail address.