Nesma 2020: new organization, new plans

Nesma has decided to adopt Agility and to work in shorter cycles. The advantage is that members that don’t want to commit to a workgroup for many years can support one or more iterations. Joining a working group for a…

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Nesma 2020: nieuwe structuur, nieuwe plannen

Nesma heeft besloten om Agility te omarmen en kort-cyclischer te gaan werken. Het voordeel is dat leden die niet jaren in een werkgroep willen zitten wel een bijdrage kunnen leveren en mee kunnen werken aan één of meer iteraties. Langer…

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ISBSG introduces the Online Productivity Data Query Tool

The International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (ISBSG) announces the introduction of the Productivity Data Query tool as a replacement for the Data portal. Now it becomes easy to select a subset of productivity, speed and quality data from the ISBSG…

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How to measure the value of agile software development

For an increasing number of companies, the agile development and modification of their software has become the standard approach. Users are happier because they see the desired changes in the softwaremore quickly. Developers are happier because they are in direct contact with users…

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Arguments for a new FPA manual

I want to argue here for a new FPA manual v3.0. The proposed changes are: Abolish the detailed analysis Rename the high-level (global) analysis to FPA analysis Introduce an indicative analysis, based on the function model, in addition to the current indicative analysis,…

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The accuracy of High Level FPA

  But what is the accuracy of high level FPA compared to a detailed FPA? Now that IFPUG published uTip #3, the users of the IFPUG method now officially got the green light to use size estimation methods that can be…

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