Bijeenkomst ervaren FPA analisten

Functiepuntanalyse in de praktijk Voor iedereen die in zijn dagelijkse praktijk regelmatig met het gebruik van functiepuntanalyse in aanraking komt wordt er tenminste één keer per jaar een bijeenkomst voor ervaren analisten gehouden. Wie zich ervaren genoeg vindt om mee…

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Scrum and Function Points:
friends or foe

How agile are Function Points? Many organizations have learned that they can get a better grip on their software projects by estimating them with function points. At the same time, we see that more and more organizations have an Agile…

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Troublesome software metrics
cause errors in estimates

Introduction The software industry is one of the largest and most successful industries in history. But software applications are among the most expensive and error-prone manufactured objects in history. Software needs accurate estimates of schedules, costs, and quality. These are…

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ISMA10 – Creating Value from Measurement

Over the last several years, Information Technology organizations have been moving their focus from software to services and non-functional issues. Function Point Analysis still remains a beneficial technique for estimating and sizing software solutions from functional user requirements, but needs…

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