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Conferencia de otoño 2017 – Métricas de software en contratos

09/11/2017 @ 13:00 - 21:00

"Métricas en los contratos, cómo evitar las historias de terror "


Conference program and time schedule

Conferencia Internacional ICEAA Conferencia Internacional ICEAA Título Conferencia Internacional ICEAA(s)
13.00 13.30 Bienvenida y registro
13.30 13.35 Inauguración de la conferencia (diapositivas) Silla de conferencias
13.35 14.20

Presentación magistral: BIT y picaduras (diapositivas)

The Bureau ICT-Toetsing (POCO) assesses major government projects where ICT plays an important role. Alisa Westerhof and Stefan Kuiper will explain the “BIT way of working”, the role of metrics in the project assessment and the lessons learned so far.

Alisa Westerhof and Stefan Kuiper (Bureau ICT- Toetsing)
Alisa Westerhof
14.20 14.45 Added Value in contracts (diapositivas)

Disastrous contracts often emerge when the interests of the customer and the supplier are not aligned. André will present a model how a contract that is based on Added Value, beneficial for both parties, could work in practice.

André Nadorp (METROS)
14.45 15.10 The place of non-functional elements in measurement (diapositivas)

Automated Enhancement Points (AEP) establish a standard measure that addresses the complexity of the requested change, anomalies in counting practices, and measurement of the non-functional elements of an application. Concrete examples will be presented to identify issues of AEP (and AFP) in contracts.

Philippe-Emmanuel Douziech (Software de CAST)
15.10 15.20 Un atajo para estimar los requisitos no funcionales? (diapositivas)

Frank will present why in most cases only Architecture Driven Estimation mechanisms can lead to good cost predictions related to (non)functional requiremens and he will explain why current estimating solutions are unsuccessful.

Frank Vogelezang (Nesma Working GroupNon Functional Requirements”)
15.20 15.50


15.50 16.35

Presentación magistral: How to reduce the inherent uncertainty of contracts… (diapositivas)

IT Contracts are inherent uncertain and we are constantly in search of means to reduce this uncertainty during the contract lifecycle. In this session André will explore where we should use metrics or where to avoid them in order to build a sustainable and successful contract.

André van der Wiel (CGI)

André van der Wiel

16.35 17.00 Output based contract management in an Agile world (diapositivas)

Richard has developed a model that consists of more than 30 metrics distributed over 7 different areas. These metrics can be used in both iterative waterfall and/or Scrum-agile on/offshore (output-based) contratos. Richard will share this model, the approach how to use it and the preliminary results.

Richard Sweer (Elegido), Atul Kaul (Cognizant) and Camiel Both (Glencore Agriculture)
17.00 17.25 Low Code platforms: get control of technical challenges (diapositivas)

Rijkswaterstaat has now developed 30 applications with the low code development platform Mendix, deployed in their own RWScloud. With this presentation, they will explain their experiences, related to e.g. code quality and security issues.

Frans Lohman (Rijkswaterstaat)
17.25 17.50 Metrics for Privacy & Safety in Software Contracts (diapositivas)

A software contract must include measurable and resilient clauses about how well the new software shall be hardened against attacks. This presentation outlines how to define such attributes and how to count them in a model, be it the COSMIC data movement map – suitable
for communication among things – or an IFPUG-like transaction map,
ideal for web portals.

Thomas Fehlmann (Oficina de Euro Project)
17.50 18.00 Metrics in contracts: wrap-up (diapositivas)

Recientemente, the Nesma Working Group “Metrics in Contracts” has written
a series of mini-guides that provides the market, in a concise way, con
useful/pragmatic tools related to the conference subject – metrics in
contratos. They will present the results and, from their experience, they
will look back on the conference presentations.

Nesma Working Group “Metrics in Contracts”
18.00 18.30 Clausura de la conferencia, bebidas de red
18.30 21.00

Cena de conferencia

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The Nesma autumn Conference is sponsored by

Conferencia Internacional ICEAA Metros
Conferencia Internacional ICEAA leda-mc-logo


During the conference and drinks the sponsors will present their ideas and products to the conference participants.


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