On May 31, 2023 the Nesma network event took place in De Soesterduinen, The Netherlands. The theme of the network event was: ‘’How to adapt software metrics in the Agile world to become more predictable and transparent?’’. Experts from IDC Metri and Finidy, among others shared their experiences. The presentations can be found below. 

How to use objective metrics as a basis for agile cost estimation and monitoring

Harold van Heeringen from IDC Metri shared his experience on how to use objective metrics as a basis for agile cost estimation and monitoring and will show which minor adjustments to the usual agile way of working are necessary to do this.

Output-based performance management for Agile teams

Richard Sweer from Finidy gave a presentation about output-based performance management for agile teams. He has developed his own model for this that is now being further developed as a new NEN NPR/ISO TR standard.

An introduction to easy functional sizing

A number of experts from Nesma presented a new initiative called easy functional sizing. They explained the reasons for this new method, the starting points and research compatibility.

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