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  • #8936
    Marco Wiese

    Wij gebruiken functiepunten voor het bepalen van meerwerk op onze primaire applicatie. Echter nu willen wij een aantal systeemkoppelingen gaan inrichten. Dit gaat niet binnen de richtlijnen van Nesma. Heeft u een advies met welke methodiek de prijs berekend kan worden.

    We use function points to determine the additional work on our primary application. Now we want to set up a number of system-to-system connections. This is not possible within the guidelines of Nesma. Do you have an advice, what method can be used to calculate the price?

    Ian Alyss

    Hi Marco,

    I suppose the first few lines are the same question in Dutch, so I’ll answer the English one. I would say that it depends on the way the interface is working. That’s probably an answer you don’t expect on this forum, but since you say that it is not possible with the Nesma guidelines, I assume that these connections are highly technical.

    The FP answer is that you count the functionality the connections represent, usually one or more EO. When the interfaces contain highly complex messages the number of EO can be quite large. In our webshop we have XML connections that contain up to twenty EO per interface, so it could be an option to have a close look at the real functionality that is in these connections and then evaluate whether it makes sense to use function points or not.

    When you are talking about highly technical connections you could agree with your supplier on a price per connection. We usually do a mix: a fixed price for the technical set-up and a variable price per FP for the functionality of the interface.

    J'espère que cela t'aides.


    I agree with Ian. I see no reason why functionality that connects systems together could not be measured with (Nesma) points de fonction.
    One of the systems collects and aggregates data and makes it available for another system (one or more EO’s) that reads and stores that data (one or more EI’s).
    Chapter 5.22 of the Nesma definitions and counting guidelines (version anglaise 2.1) should help you to determine how to measure your system-to-system connections.

    Marco Wiese

    Bonjour Ian et Edwin, Merci pour vos commentaires. je prendrai le chapitre 5.22 en considération.
    Brigitte Marco

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