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De maatregel IWSM 2014
06/10/2014 - 08/10/2014
The IWSM Mensura conference is the result of the joining of forces of the Internationale workshop over softwaremeting en de Internationale conferentie over softwareproces- en productmeting (Meeteenheid). Samen vormen zij de conferentie waar nieuwe ideeën uit de wereld van academisch onderzoek samenkomen met praktische verbeteringen uit de industrie op het gebied van meetsoftware. Each year practitioners and researchers from all over the world gather together to learn about new developments, test new ideas and exchange possible new solutions and applications.
On this website you can meet conference participants, learn about developments from previous conferences and get information about how you can join in on the next edition of IWSM Mensura. If you join our community, you will be able to interact with the content of this website. Registered users will also have access to more information. So sign up with this site, it’s free!
Why do we have this conference
The pressure for more efficient software development and maintenance processes delivering appropriate quality is constantly increasing. Software measurement is a key technology with which to manage and to control software development projects and software maintenance activities. Measurement is essential to any engineering activity, by increasing the scientific and technical knowledge for both the practice of software development and maintenance and for empirical research in software technology. For this reason the IWSM Mensura conference facilitates the exchange of software measurement experiences between academic theory and industry practice.
The International Workshop on Software Measurement (IWSM) has a big tradition that started in 1990 met een kleine werkgroep in Duitsland met professor Reiner Dumke van de Otto von Güricke Universität in Magdeburg, Christof Ebert of Alcatel and professor Horst Zuse of the Technical University of Berlin. During the nineties the team of professor Alain Abran from the University of Québec joined in. Until 2006 the IWSM rotated between the Montréal area in Canada and various German cities.
The International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement (also known as Mensura, the roman word for to measure) was founded in 2006 by professor Juan J Cuadrado Gallego from the University of Alcalá (Spanje). The first edition was held in Cádiz.
To foster research, practice and exchange of experiences and best practices in 2007 both conferences joined forces and held a joint conference on the Island of Mallorca. Since then both conferences act as a combined conference and the conference is now traveling around the world.