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Top over cyberweerbaarheid – Softwarerisico meten en beheren, Zekerheid en technische schuld
06/06/2017 @ 09:00 - 15:00
Voortbouwend op het momentum en de acceptatie van het drukbezochte, door CISQ gehoste Washington, gelijkstroom, VS. Top over cyberweerbaarheid programma, het Consortium for IT Software Quality is van plan het programma uit te breiden naar Europa, to take place on juni 6, 2017 in Brussel. Summit theme is “Softwarerisico meten en beheren, Security and Technical Debt.” All are invited to attend this important IT leadership event drawing on best practices for security and resiliency, and sharing the latest strategic thinking from innovative American and European CIOs and IT policy makers. Registration will open in mid-March. Invited are participants from U.S. DoD, NATO and the European Commission. Invited to keynote is a senior policy maker in Europe.
Program discussion points:
- Managing security and IT risk with software measurement
- Applying standard quality metrics to internal benchmarking, vendor agreements, and governance
- Outcome-based contracts and service level agreements
- Using software quality standards for regulatory compliance
- Positioning software measurement as a support mechanism for your team while prioritizing actions for business
- Managing system complexity from a technology and architectural standpoint
Meeting highlights:
- Introductions from Dr. Richard Soley, Chairman and CEO of the Object Management Group®, the leading software standards body of its kind in the United States, and co-sponsor of the Consortium for IT Software Quality
- Dr. Bill Curtis, Executive Director of the Consortium for IT Software Quality, discusses advances in software quality measurement and data-driven security
- Delegates from NATO, the European Commission, and U.S. Department of Defense discuss the protection of government systems, key regulations, and compliance directives
- Panel lead is Professor Georges Ataya from Solvay Brussels School, Academic Director of Information Security Management Education, Managing Partner ICTC.EU, and Vice President of the Belgian Cybersecurity Coalition
- CIOs and ICT leaders in Europe share strategies for improving software quality, security, and cyber risk management
- Panel lead is Matthew Crabbe, Editor, QA-Financial.com
- Dr. J. Michael Gilmore, former Director of Operational Test & Evaluation, Office of the Secretary of Defense, U.S. Department of Defense, now at RAND, is invited to deliver a keynote