Over the last years, the Dutch organization Cito has taken care of the certification of the Nesma CFPA exams. They dealt with the operational matters, including hosting the exams, digitally and on location with their partner Lamark. The exams are Nesma property. Also, the examination board has been appointed by Nesma. So far for the current situation.
Over the last period, the number of exams has significantly decreased. For Cito, from a commercial point of view, it is no longer profitable to host the Nesma exams. Therefore, Cito has chosen to use the option to end the agreement with Nesma. They have communicated their decision in time. Up to August 1 2017 Cito will provide their services. Anybody who passes his/her Nesma CFPA exam before this date will get a certificate with the name of Cito on it.
The Nesma Board is seriously searching for another partner in the certification process, after August 1. As soon as we know more, this will be communicated by the Nesma newsletter and the Nesma website.