FPAi to keep focused
on customer functionality

It’s all about satisfied customers There is a lot distracting us from what it is all about: satisfied customers. For instance the choice whether to use agile scrum or waterfall as development environment, think of organization moves or commercial interests….

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The accuracy of High Level FPA

  But what is the accuracy of high level FPA compared to a detailed FPA? Now that IFPUG published uTip #3, the users of the IFPUG method now officially got the green light to use size estimation methods that can be…

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Scrum and Function Points:
friends or foe

How agile are Function Points? Many organizations have learned that they can get a better grip on their software projects by estimating them with function points. At the same time, we see that more and more organizations have an Agile…

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Nesma and the IFPUG standard

On behalf of Nesma, Adri Timp (chairman of our Counting Practices Committee), is a member of the IFPUG Functional Sizing Standards Comittee (FSSC). The main tasks of the FSSC are: Keeping the IFPUG Counting Practices Manual (CPM) up to date…

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